FlightSimExpo is less than one year away as it will take place on June 23-25, 2023 in Houston. Registration opens in December, but attendees can access special rates on rooms and flights right now.
With Microsoft Flight Simulator being brought to XBox, a bit of a gap seemed to have been open in the community with people fearing sims may decrease in quality. Is that an actual risk?
You have read it correctly: it’s only happening in 2023. Find out exactly when and where!
The event will take place on December 18, and you will be able to watch companies such as Blu Games, Flightbeam Studios, FlightFX, Laminar Research, NZA Simulations, and Orbx in a special livestream.
Not only do we have this written article, but we are also going to have a live webinar to help newcomers!
The organization aims to be a “hub offering discounts, webinars, learning resources, and even the ability to locate nearby simmers”.