Articles with tag 'MSFS2020'

FlyInside releases free update for Bell 206 on PC and Xbox

FlyInside releases free update for Bell 206 on PC and Xbox

The new update not only brings floats to the helicopter, but it also comes with some corrections and improvements.

SimFocus released MSFS Bell 407 Improvement Mod and Autogen Helipads v2

SimFocus released MSFS Bell 407 Improvement Mod and Autogen Helipads v2

The team has made a double release targeted specifically for the rotary-wing fans.

Taog’s Hangar latest twist on the Huey for MSFS

Taog’s Hangar latest twist on the Huey for MSFS

Taog’s Hangar changed shift and instead of the Bell 210, we are getting 3 models. But we’ll have to wait for MSFS Sim Update 15.

Parallel 42 released SimFX for MSFS

Parallel 42 released SimFX for MSFS

The company released what they call the “finest Visual Effects Utility covering a range of immersive scenarios”. And it has support for helicopters.

Cowan Simulation releases special MSFS Bell 222UT, with a livery

Cowan Simulation releases special MSFS Bell 222UT, with a livery

The company reduced the price on the very first model they released (for X-Plane back then) with a very nice livery and a “thank you” to our community.

Cowan Simulation released R-22 for MSFS

Cowan Simulation released R-22 for MSFS

After the release of the R-66, the R-22 is Cowan Simulation’s new addition to the sim. Will we see an R-44 as well?

HR SimYard released LOSH Heliport Martin 6 Hinterglemm for MSFS

HR SimYard released LOSH Heliport Martin 6 Hinterglemm for MSFS

The company continues to populate Microsoft Flight Simulator with helipads in gorgeous areas.

Parallel 42 teases SimFX for MSFS

Parallel 42 teases SimFX for MSFS

The company is working on a new addon for Microsoft’s sim, to bring “a special blend of PrecipitFX & (lite) Immersion Pack a single app”.

Miltech Simulations released CH47D for MSFS

Miltech Simulations released CH47D for MSFS

The mighty Hook is finally available for Microsoft Flight Simulator!

Delta Simulations shows updates on the UH-60 for MSFS

Delta Simulations shows updates on the UH-60 for MSFS

The project is progressing as the team is overhauling the model and improving other areas as well.