Parallel 42 Simstaller for MSFS

The company behind one of my favorite add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator just released a freeware piece of software, also for MSFS: Simstaller.

Parallel 42 (or //42 for shorts) calls Simstaller “the ultimate installation utility for Microsoft Flight Simulator”, and it seems they may be onto something here.

With Simstaller, you’ll be able to install and identify add-on conflicts and it’s not limited to the company’s products: “Installations are now a breeze, whether you want to manually handle them or allow Simstaller to monitor a directory of your choice for new add-ons to install automatically”.

Conflicts should also be a thing of the past since “Simstaller's innovative Virtual File System (VFS) scan feature swiftly detects these conflicts. Whether it's odd-looking fonts, VFX, or avionics issues, our tool identifies the culprits behind these overrides, empowering you with the knowledge of WHO is overwriting WHAT.”.

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

You can download //42’s Simstaller, for free at the company’s website.