HeliSimmer.com forums

Back in 2016, when HeliSimmer.com was launched, HoverControl still existed and their forums were alive. We didn't see a reason to do something similar and we always saw ourselves as something that would add up to what HoverControl did. Our goal was not to replace it.

Some of our readers always asked us for a forum but we kept saying just that. We were occupying other spaces and didn't want to step on what Jordan Moore had built for years.

Sadly, though, HoverControl closed down and, with it, the forums were also shut down. As a result, more and more readers asked us to start a forum. It made sense. So we started thinking about it and searching for a software forum that allowed us to do just that.

We wanted something that was modern, worked great on mobile devices, had a "social interaction" set of tools and feeling and allowed us to have the users' accounts centralized so that folks wouldn't need to create 2 accounts: one for HeliSimmer.com and one for the forums (we need to have our own account system since we want to build more tools on the website that will require it).

Forums allow us to better retain knowledge. Our Facebook group works great but things tend to get lost over time. Groups are also a bit disorganized with a "single category".

So, it was time to do it.

Over the past few weeks I spent quite some time coding our account system and integrating it with the forums, got a new server just for the forum software and did some tests with a few community members. The goal was to release the forums on January since that's when HeliSimmer.com has its anniversary.

I'm happy to say that we did just that and that we are starting 2020 with our forum online!

Please note that this is all still in a bit of a "beta" form so there might be some issues or problems. If you do find anything wrong, please contact me.

Head out to our forums, create your account and enjoy! I truly hope this becomes a great asset to our community and that we can now share more, help more and have more fun!

Happy New Year!