Polychop OH-58D Kiowa pilots

Polychop sent us a few screenshots of the OH-58D Kiowa for Digital Combat Simulator (DCS) but these are somewhat special images.

Instead of the panels, exterior, weaponry or plain old destruction of hostile assets, they have sent us some nice screenshots of the pilots.

And what a nice surprise.

Both pilots are people I know from our community. Both of them are part of our Inspirational Lift series as well! One of them is our own Jeff Tucker (you can see his Inspirational Lift article here). The other one is Jamie Collazo.

Jamie and Polychop makes a bit of history as she turns into the first female character to join a crew of a DCS module.

The characters are still heavy into development and there are a few issues and a lot of improvements to be done, but Polychop still thought it would be cool to show the cockpit populated with these 2 former Kiowa crew members.

Perhaps the addition of Jamie may inspire others as well and make them consider a career in the military. On the cool choppers, nonetheless!

Polychop OH-58D Kiowa pilotsPolychop OH-58D Kiowa pilots