This is World2XPlane's fourth scenery in their "Pro" series. It uses several data sources in order to provide a detailed VFR object overlay for this gorgeous European country. The goal is not to provide a full set of landmarks and buildings that you should recognize and use as help for VFR navigation.

Autogen buildings are placed based on address-points and should be in the correct place for the majority of the territory, which will enhance areas. The team went as far as getting the buildings to line up with satellite photos.

According to the official site, the scenery also offers you the following:

Full detailed road network;

VFR landmarks such as chimneys, masts, wind turbines and lighthouses;

Detailed vegetation including forests, individual trees, tree groups, tree-lines, and shrub land in the correct place;

New custom building set designed just for Norway;


Norway Pro Norway Pro Norway Pro Norway Pro

Where to get Norway Pro beta 1

You can get Norway Pro beta 1 at the official website: