This plugin is free and it's quite simple to use. Check out the official description below:

MEDEVAC is an X-Plane 11 Plugin for 64bit Windows that randomly generates medical evacuation missions for helicopters.

How to use:

  • Spawn at your base and create a new mission via the Plugins->MEDEVAC menu (screenshot 1). This automatically sets the base to your current location.
  • Two waypoints are automatically added to your GPS (compare screenshot 2)
    • 0: Home Base
    • 1: Emergency Location


  • Fly to the emergency location and land next to the ambulance (compare screenshot 3)
    • The ambulance should spawn on flat and dry terrain
    • It may happen that the ambulance spawns inside of buildings - unfortunately I cannot check that.


  • Wait for the patient to board
  • Return to the base
  • Rinse and repeat

There is a config.ini file in the MEDEVAC directory, which allows you to set some parameters. This is only recommended for advanced users.

MEDEVAC - Randomly Generated Mission for X-Plane MEDEVAC - Randomly Generated Mission for X-Plane MEDEVAC - Randomly Generated Mission for X-Plane MEDEVAC - Randomly Generated Mission for X-Plane