The biggest complaint about AirlandFS (and pretty much the only one I’ve seen from those that use it) is the fact that the software needs an external application to run and communicate with Microsoft Flight Simulation.

This has always been less-than-perfect and Fred Naar himself acknowledged it but, because of time constraints, he released the version we all know.

Nonetheless, he has been working on a new version, which will not require an external application. Instead, it uses WASM, the native MSFS plugin framework.

If you have missed it before, WASM allows developers to create complex systems in Microsoft Flight Simulator, including custom flight models. This is exactly what Hype Performance Group is doing with their H145, for example.

And it’s also what Fred is working on right now.

The new version is under testing and development and there is no date of release yet, but Fred states it should be compatible with the upcoming native helicopter flight dynamics, which means it will contine being an alternative to the flight dynamics engine that Microsoft is working on.