
This is the message our community is delivering to those professionals:

2020 has been challenging for all of us around the world.

We hope you are all safe and well during these difficult times.

The aviation industry has been severely affected, facing the biggest global challenge imaginable in its long and proud history.

This #FlyJuly, we would like to ask you to please take a moment to send your best wishes, support and #Airhugs to all those whose livelihoods and families have been affected.

We send our thanks and support to everyone in the aviation industry, the pilots, baggage handlers, travel agents, security staff, flight attendants, airport staff, mechanics, ground crew, air traffic control, all those who have for so long connected us with family and friends, travel and business around the world.

We hope you are safe and well, and look forward to flying with you again soon.

#Airhugs from us all!